Keeping your motorcycle well-maintained will help it to last longer and perform better. Of course, not all motorcycle owners are also expert mechanics. That’s why Beach House Harley-Davidson® has created this guide to essential motorcycle maintenance. 

Shafts, Belts, Chains

Inside your motorcycle is a complicated system of interconnected moving parts, including shafts, belts, and chains. Proper lubrication will ensure that these moving parts glide smoothly against each other rather than rubbing or scraping together, so don’t skip oil changes. It’s also good to check that these moving parts are snugly fitted together every once in a while. They should be neither too loose nor too tight. 


There are two things to keep in mind when it comes to motorcycle tire maintenance, and the first is tire pressure. Both over- and under-inflation are hard on your tires, causing reduced performance and potentially even a blowout. That’s why it’s so important that you monitor the tire pressure and try to keep it within the manufacturer-recommended range, which can usually be found on the side of the tire itself.

The second key component of motorcycle tire maintenance is tread wear. The older and more worn down your motorcycle’s tires, the less traction you’ll get. That’s why it's so important that you replace your tires when need be. You should also be on the lookout for motorcycle tires that seem to wear out too quickly or don’t wear out evenly. This kind of problem is usually a sign of a deeper issue, such as misaligned tires. 


Electrical work can be difficult, complex, and even dangerous, but there are a few motorcycle maintenance tasks related to the electrical system that can be handled at home. Before you attempt anything, try to diagnose the issue. If you don’t have the tools for the job or it seems too complicated to handle yourself, schedule a service appointment. 

For more about motorcycle maintenance or to shop our inventory of motorcycle models, visit Beach House Harley-Davidson®. Our dealership in Shallotte, North Carolina offers convenient access to the Brunswick County, North Carolina area. We also have motorcycle parts, financing, and apparel. Stop by today!