Finding the right motorcycle for you can be complicated. There are several factors to consider, such as the bike’s size, your level of riding experience, and what type of motorcycle would best fit the type of riding you plan to do. If you’re interested in purchasing a motorcycle, this guide from Beach House Harley-Davidson® will help you get started.

Consider The Motorcycle's Size

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to motorcycles. If you’re a bit larger or smaller than average, you might struggle to find a model that fits your height and arm span. Luckily, some motorcycle models are specifically designed to be easy to adjust. In either case, we highly recommend taking a test drive before you purchase a motorcycle to make sure that it’s a good fit for you.

Factor In Your Experience Level

Operating a motorcycle requires a certain level of finesse. Models with big and powerful engines can be difficult to control, especially for less experienced riders. If you’re just starting out, it might be best to purchase a motorcycle with a less powerful engine and upgrade later. Inexperienced riders should also go for heavier models over lighter ones. Heavy motorcycles force their riders to learn how to shift their weight in order to steer, fostering good long-term riding habits.

Do Your Research

Different motorcycle types are designed for different types of riding. For example, touring cycles are perfect for long-distance rides, while sport bikes are designed with speed and agility in mind. Do some research into what kind of bike would best fit your needs. You can also do research into specific models to see what the general consensus is among riders.

Shop motorcycles at Beach House Harley-Davidson® in Shallotte, North Carolina. We’re proud to serve the Brunswick County, North Carolina area. We also offer motorcycle parts, financing, and apparel.